Lucie Blackman Trust
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11 January 2010 00:49

Lucie Blackman

Find out more about Lucie, her story and the inspiration for her Trust

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It can be a real pain having your handbag with you when you’re out and about but isn’t it better to be slightly inconvenienced than totally empty handed and helpless if someone attacks you? Here are a few bits and bobs which can keep you safe and fit into quite a small bag… I know, I’ve tried it! .

Fully charged mobile.

Most of these are so tiny nowadays that they’ll easily fit into a small clutch bag.

Drink Detective

No bigger than a credit card…potentially lifesaving.

A personal attack alarm

Most of these slot nicely into a handbag but you can always attach alarms such as the Minder alarm to a belt.


Cash ideally as it’s better to lose £20 than your credit card in the event of a theft. However, keep a spare wad of cash somewhere about your person (eg pocket, in your sock…use your imagination). This way, if your bag got stolen you’d still have money for a phone and/or to get home.

A record of your Smart Call number if you have one and can’t remember it easily! It saves you giving out your real number.


Okay, we already know having sex with someone you hardly know is a bad idea. If, however, you feel you know someone and trust someone enough to sleep with them, never assume that they’re dealing with contraception. Look after number one first! Have fun but be safe. No first date is worth it being your last!

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