Lucie Blackman Trust
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11 January 2010 00:49

Lucie Blackman

Find out more about Lucie, her story and the inspiration for her Trust

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So you haven’t been lucky enough to get a date and you’re out on the pull with your friends. It’s just as important to look after yourself. As well as following our Drink Safe Tips here are a few basic do's and don'ts!

DON’T lose control. Be careful how much you drink. It may seem like we’re nagging but think about it. The way you act when you drink can make you an easier target. Is losing control of your body and mind really worth it if you end up being attacked?

DO stay with your friends as much as possible. Being alone with somebody instantly makes you more vulnerable especially if you’ve only just met the person.

DO use Smart Call if anyone asks for your number. This prevents you from having to give your real details to someone you just met.

DON’T give in to temptation. As much as you may fancy someone you’ve just met in the pub, try and resist the urge to go off alone with them. Ask yourself if you can honestly guarantee your safety with this person you hardly know. If there is even the slightest hint of doubt…don’t do it. If they like you enough, they’ll be happy to meet up for a second, third, fourth date!

DO look out for each other. If your friend wants to disappear with someone they’ve only just met try and talk them out of it. If they still insist on going, try and find out where they plan to go and who they’re going with. Tell them to keep in touch with you and you with them. Better to be an irritating mate than wishing you’d done more later.

DO be on your guard. Of course have fun but remember that valentine’s day isn’t just about sex. You can have just as much fun partying with your mates and you’ll be much safer too.

© 2007 Lucie Blackman Trust. All Rights Reserved